How does a Dentist Perform Root Canal Treatment?

What is Root Canal Treatment? A root canal is a process to treat the infected, inflamed, or dead tooth. In general, the dental pulp consists of blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissues present in the center of the tooth. However, endodontic treatment and Root canal treatment (RCTs) are the procedures that are used to treat the infected tooth. However, one must Learn RCTs before performing them on their patient. Endodontics is the field in dentistry that mainly deals with the tooth pulp and tissue near the tooth’s root. However, a root canal can be treated either by endodontics or a dentist. But endodontics have the years of experience to treat complicated tooth case. Thus the endodontics are pretty familiar with How to do RCTs than the dentist. Further, once the patient’s root canal is treated, the endodontics fill the pulp chamber to prevent bacteria from entering. How to do RCTs? ...